Body Grooves - Einführungsworkshop in zeitgenössischen Tanz

Body Grooves - Einführungsworkshop in zeitgenössischen Tanz

Feeling groove in the body and letting it flow in movement, discovering and playfully
challenging the movement dimensions of your own body, taking the space as a stage.
This contemporary dance workshop invites all interested people from the age of 18 to get to
know elements of contemporary dance.
We get to know our own spectrum of movement and find our own ways to dance with the
body, its possibilities and the principles presented. We consciously play with rhythm, groove
and dynamics in movement and thus discover different movement qualities in the body.
Groove here means not only the influence of music, but also the body's own inner groove
that sits in our joints. In the course of the workshop we venture into dance dialogue with
other participants and the space, our dancing body develops more and more ideas. At the
end of each workshop day, the dance studio becomes the stage: a simple movement task
allows us to enter into a spontaneous choreography - filled with our favourite discoveries of
the workshop.
Now or never - awaken the dancer in you!
This is a dance offering for mixed ability groups and invites all people to join in - no matter
what their physical abilities or previous experience.


Workshopleitung: Hannah Dewor, Karoline Hinkfoth
Teilnehmer*innenzahl: max. 10
Sprache: Der Workshop findet in deutscher Lautsprache (Dolmetschung in DGS bei Bedarf möglich).
Kleidung: Wir bitten alle Teilnehmenden in bequemer Sportkleidung zu kommen.

More Information


The dance studio and a toilet on the 3rd floor are barrier-free and accessible for wheelchairs.
If you use an e-wheelchair, please feel free to contact us. Upon request, we can provide
interpretation in DGS. If you are attending the workshop with personal assistance, please
feel free to contact us.If you have special access needs, we will be happy to assist you.



The dance workshop will be led by Hannah Dewor and Karoline Hinkfoth. Hannah is a trained
contemporary and modern stage dancer and received a master's degree in contemporary
dance education. Since 2012, she has worked regularly with mixed ability groups, including
the so-called Ensemble Barefeet. Karoline is a positive psychology coach and is currently
pursuing her Master in Philosophy. Sis, as a wheelchair-bound person, is interested in the
dance possibilities and limitations of different bodies and has been gaining dance but also
dance-instructing experience for several years in various dance workshops and formats.