(c) Gabriela Neeb

Anta Helena Recke


Die Kränkungen der Menschheit

Mousonturm Saal


With her latest play „Die Kränkungen der Menschheit“, Anta Helena Recke is invited to the Theatertreffen in 2020, now for the second time. After her ‘black copy’ re-enactment of “Mittelreich”, she questions the Eurocentric assertion of a universal history of mankind and art. The stage is a hybrid space – something between museum, zoo and laboratory. Each group that populates this space brings us closer to those fragile moments in which one idea of the world is replaced by another. Sigmund Freud’s three “insults to humanity” – the realization that the earth is not the centre of the universe, that mankind descended from apes and that we cannot control our subconscious – are joined by a fourth: the fact that we cannot assume that there is only “ONE humanity”. The global resurgence of reactionary forces shows precisely how deeply the illusion of a white male humanity is still imbedded in the white body.

ALL IN from 14 years
Duration: 75 min.
Langauge: German
15.2. Artist talk afterwards
Organisierte Schülergruppen zahlen 5 Euro pro Person. Mehr Infos und verbindliche Anmeldung bis eine Woche vor der Veranstaltung unter dramaturgie@mousonturm.de.

Als Unterzeichner der Frankfurter Erklärung der Vielen lädt das Künstlerhaus Mousonturm zu „Die Kränkungen der Menschheit“ ein.