(c) Hort, (c) Paul Blakemore, (c) Maximilian von Lachner

Raquel Meseguer/Jeremy Wade/Sandra Noeth/Anna Wagner

(Bristol/Berlin/Frankfurt a. Main)

Dramaturgical Perspectives #2: Strategies on Non/Productivity

auf deiner Couch


Bodies are much used to display projections of and implement fantasies and norms of productivity and optimization. In their respective artistic practices, choreographers Raquel Meseguer and Jeremy Wade disclose and destabilize these dynamics of inclusion and exclusion. In dialogue with Sandra Noeth and Anna Wagner, they discuss how performatively reworking how to move in space, time and imagination opens up different ways for a body to participate both in society and in the art market.

Laguage: English
Live stream via youtube
All videos of the series are available here till June 28th.