
Mats Staub


Mats Staub

In 2008, Mats Staub began his long-term project Meine Großeltern / Erinnerungsbüro (My Grandparents | Office of Remembering). He has since interviewed 270 grandchildren from across Europe about their grandparents’ biographies. In Frankfurt, he is continuing this work and will present a selection of multiple recordings in form of an audio exhibition from September 11th onwards at the Historische Museum. In September, the Erinnerungsbüro take up residence in Studio 2 at Mousonturm. Here Mats Staub will collect new stories for Meine Großeltern and for the long-term project 21, which he initiated in Frankfurt.

Exhibition Meine Großeltern in the Historisches Museum, Fahrtor 2 (Römerberg), Frankfurt * Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm, Wednesdays until 9.00 pm, closed on Mondays.