(c) Charlotte Bösling

Susanne Zaun/Marion Schneider/zaungäste


Im Internet gibt es keine Mädchen. Eine Tirade.

Mousonturm Saal


Thus speaks the chorus of zaungäste: “I would actually prefer not to be heard at all. I would actually prefer to remain silent. I would actually prefer not to appear. Or to put it another way: I would prefer to have the privilege of keeping my mouth shut and still be heard. But to do that, I have to reach out. Because at some point, enough is enough. At some point the limit is reached. At some point, the point comes when I can’t take it any more, and the anger I’ve built up over months or years is released in a fit of rage. I’m having that tantrum now.” In their new play, the choir der zaungäste deal with shitstorms, hate speech and sexist rhetoric that continually serve to maintain the power of a patriarchal order, thus directly resuming the analysis of male-dominated comedy in some of their earlier works.

Duration: 60–120 min
Language: German
ALL IN + 12 years

From 25.11.2021 applies according to the current Coronavirus Protection Ordinance:
All events will take place under 2G rules. A valid vaccination or convalescent status must be presented for admission, including an official photo ID.
Wearing a medical mask (FFP2 mask, makeshift surgical mask) is mandatory everywhere, including at the seating area.