(c) Pierre Planchenault

Sandra Noeth/Lina Majdalanie/Steven Cohen/James Martel

(Berlin/Lille/San Francisco)

In Conversation #4: The Integrity of Dead and Unburied Bodies

auf deiner Couch


The fourth encounter in the series of conversations develops from three artworks: the performance “Put your heart under your feet…and walk!” by Steven Cohen; the lecture performance “Appendice” by Lina Majdalanie and James Martel’s book “Unburied Bodies: Subversive Corpses and the Authority of the Dead.” Embodying rites of passage and performatively rewriting legal and community contracts, it addresses the agency and integrity of bodies in transition between the living and the dead.

Sprache: English
Live stream via youtube
Alle Videos der Reihe sind bis zum 28. Juni 2020 hier abrufbar.