
Christiane Jatahy

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Christiane Jatahy

Julia and Jelson grow up side by side in the same house – and yet worlds apart. She is the well-bred daughter of a white upper-class family in Rio de Janeiro. He is the black gardener’s son and chauffeur. Author, theatre and film director Christiane Jatahy has transported August Strindberg’s Miss Julie into the Brazil of today: in her highly acclaimed adaptation, she focuses on the play’s political essence and retells it as a gripping parable on the latent racism underlying economic relationships – in a cleverly complex and masterfully performed mix of film and theatre.

Direction, Script: Christiane Jatahy * With Julia Bernat, Rodrigo dos Santos, on film Tatiana Tiburcio * Photography, Live Camera: David Pacheco * Made possible by: Ministério da Cultura, Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Funarte – Fundação Nacional de Arte.


German Premiere. In Brazilian Portuguese with German surtitles