(c) Marcus Lieberenz



Land (Stadt Fluss)

Mousonturm Saal


What will become of the country when the future of our planet – as they say – is decided in the cities? LAND (STADT FLUSS) brings the country into the city, a piece of meadow from Johannishof near Dehrn, somewhere between Frankfurt and Cologne. Those who make themselves comfortable on the meadow in the theatre with blankets and drinks are invited to take a look around and listen to all the (dis)quiet that the LAND has to offer. For the countryside is as fundamental, as it is ambiguous. LAND (STADT FLUSS) oers a temporary community five hours of time to make music, work and cook, to found a country and read books, to develop visions and resonate. What will become of the city when the future of our theatre – as they say – lies in the countryside? “The city dweller leaves this ‘country’ after five hours as rested, as after an excursion. (Doris Kösterke, FAZ)

Duration: 300 min.
Language: German

Triple Ticket with “Stadt” and “Fluss” available: € 25 (red. € 12)
Attention: The showings of “Land” and “Fluss” on 17. & 18.1. can be attend the very same day.