
studio 5


FREISCHWIMMER meaning meaning

Mousonturm Saal


Wiener studio 5 invites the audience to a negotiating table presided over by gorilla, human and future being. We need to leave the conventional meanings of things behind and think about the future of language. In the attempt to communicate and find a shared language, everyday objects are given new names and functions, curious apparatuses constructed and poems recited in the alphabet rain. meaning meaning attempts to get to the bottom of the illusionary character of language. Based on the experimental methods of various avantgarde poets such as Velimir Khlebnikov, Raymond Roussel and Gertrude Stein, studio 5 putter around with the raw materials of language, mischievously rattling the framework of its conventions, until the letters, words and sounds literally tumble out.

By and with Andrea Maurer and Thomas Brandstätter in collaboration with Nicholas Hoffman and Ewa Bankowska * Production studio 5.