(c) Hannah Hofmann



Nobody’s there

Location: Verschiedene Privathaushalte in Frankfurt

F°LAB/Domestic chamber play/Performance

You come home, enter your flat. And: no one is there. No one is unknown to you. No one is hiding in the cupboard, under your bed or perhaps behind a curtain. And: You agree with no one being here, you let no one in. – The artist couple Hofmann&Lindholm invites citizens of Frankfurt to a strange game of hide-and-seek. In this game, the participants allow an unknown person, no one, to remain undiscovered in their own private rooms or they can hide as no one in someone else’s flat. “Nobody’s there” is a chamber play in a private space in which at least two people enter into a relationship with each other without becoming the proverbial tangible opposite for one another. They are simply invited – under special conditions – to spend time together and to concentrate on the basics. On the existential question: Is someone there?

More information and registration via: nobodysthere@hofmannundlindholm.de / 0176 – 52 59 60 64

Information also on www.hofmannundlindholm.de/

Ein Projekt veranstaltet von Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Zusammenarbeit mit Frankfurt LAB im Rahmen des F°LAB FESTIVAL FOR PERFORMING ARTS. Das F°LAB Festival wird ermöglicht vom Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, der Crespo Foundation, der Aventis Foundation und der Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main. Nobody’s There findet als Satellit des F°LAB Festival statt, dessen Hauptteil pandemiebedingt auf 2022 verschoben wurde.