(c) Merthe Wulf, (c) romanowski/schilling/stamer/calendal

Romanowski/Schilling/Stamer/calendal (Big Image Collective)


revision. Beobachtungen aus dem Saal 165 C

Mousonturm Saal

ALL IN/Performance

In our constitutional state, revision is, for the litigants, an opportunity and a right to review the decision of the circuit court for procedural errors. “revision. Observations from Courtroom 165C2 does not adhere to judicial protocols, but subjects the court and its accounts to scrutiny. Based on observations from the courtroom and the accompaniment of the trial dealing with the murder of Walter Lübcke and the attempted murder of Ahmed I, the performance searches for new forms of storytelling. It attempts alternative narratives of prosecution, judgement, trial and the in-between, the mundanities, the monotonies, the waiting. How can we classify what we have observed? What gaps emerge? What role does the court play in our perception of reality and how can jurisdiction be questioned against the background of a right-wing terrorist act?

ALL IN from age 14
Language: German
Duration: 2 hours (pause incl.)

Panel talk
Rechte Gewalt vor Gericht – Handeln in Zivilgesellschaft und Justiz

Martín Steinhagen (freelance author and journalist)
Johannes Murmann (criminal defense lawyer)
Manja Dimitra Kotsas (sociologist)