Drei Personen, oberkörperfrei, umschlungen auf dem Boden liegend. Eine Person lacht.
Drei Personen, oberkörperfrei, bewegen sich auf dem Boden. Der ist bedeckt von einer goldenen Flüssigkeit.
(c) Loizenbauer

There lies the human being. Dirty. Stranded on the ground. Rays of sunlight tickling the stomach. There is a longing for the origin, which is somewhere beneath the concrete of civilization, perhaps in the slippery water. In “Soiled” the Vienna-based choreographer and performer Michael Turinsky counters our sterile, endlessly productive, clearly delimited, always upright and linearly advancing body with another body that asserts itself in a deeply human way. A porous, unclean and unproductive body, in playful proximity to the ground. In his new group piece Turinsky continues his examination of the phenomenology of the body marked “disabled.” His themes are being-in-the-world, temporality and rhythm, visibility and invisibility. “Soiled” opens up an imaginative space that doesn’t deny the presence of dismay, but nonetheless seeks for the contours of a new community and a joyfully inhabitable future.

All Information: tanzfestivalrheinmain.de/en/calendar/soiled

Duration: 70 min.
With english audio description and german touch tour (6.30-7 pm)

Touch tour
At 6.30 p.m. there will be a touch tour in German. This is an introduction to the piece for the visually impaired, with samples of the costumes, a walk through the set and a description of the visual elements. Enrolment at Catalina.wortmann@tanzplattformrheinmain.de