(c) Nicolas Repp



Stadt (Land Fluss)

Mousonturm Saal


STADT (LAND FLUSS) transforms the theatre into a permanent urban construction site composed of brute material. The audience is right in the middle of it and thanks to electromagnetic headphones can find its own way across temporarily construed stages, listening rooms and film spaces, immersing themselves and experiencing all the layers. STADT is under permanent reconstruction. Live electronics, turntables and inside pianos produce sound, while the eyes survey a 360-degree cinematic image of a big-city wasteland with a busy container village at its centre. Who has or takes the right to design urban space? STADT (LAND FLUSS) documents the burning dispute over the right to the city and dramatizes it with all the means available to music theatre.

Duration: 70 min.
Language: German

Triple Ticket with “Land” and “Fluss” available: € 25 (red. € 12)
Attention: The showings of “Land” and “Fluss” on 17. & 18.1. can be attend the very same day.