
Shota Rustaveli State Drama Theatre / Giya Kancheli


Styx. Requiem für Bratsche und Chor, gewidmet den verstorbenen Eltern und Freunden

Mousonturm Saal


Founded in 1879 and renamed in 1921 as the Shota Rustaveli Theater, the theatre fell victim to Soviet repression during the 1930’s, became a founder of political theatre in the 1970’s, and now looks back on 138 years of history, as a witness of change like no other Georgia performing arts institution.

In Georgian with German surtitles
Duration: 70 min.
Direction: Robert Sturua
painting: Temur Ninua
direction assistance: Marina Amaglobeli
with: Schauspielern des Rustaveli-Theaters

Alle Stücke des Programms „Georgian Theatre – Made by Characters” sind Beiträge zum offiziellen Ehrengast-Programm „Georgia – Made by Characters“ der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018. Gefördert vom Georgischen Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Sport.