Tanzlabor 21

Wo ist der Tag bei Nacht? (“Where is Day at Night?”)



For the fourth time Tanzlabor 21 is cooperating with the Tanzetage Liederbach in a choreographic project for 4 adults and 12 children and teens, directed by Heide-Marie Böhm-Schmitz, Artemis Arnakis and Victoria Söntgen on the subject of night.
The night has many faces: it can be bewitching or disturbing, intoxicating, frightening or a keeper of secrets. What seems clearly defined by day, loses its colours and contours at night. Shadows become monstrosities and a bush transforms into a lurking villain. But the night also means quiet and safety, a retreat from the daily daytime noise. »As black as night« is foreign to us nowadays. We can bring light into the darkness with a flick of a switch, blurring the boundaries between day and night. Sleep and dreams accompany us through the night, until the journey into day begins anew and we ask ourselves: where is night during the day?

Overall Direction: Heide-Marie Böhm-Schmitz
Choreography: Artemis Arnakis, Heide-Marie
Böhm-Schmitz, Victoria Söntgen
Voice/Singing: Jennifer Beutlich
With: Laurie Arnold, Yara Auth, Stefan Beckmann, Jennifer Beutlich, Beatrice Erb, Lara Fitjer, Carlotta Friese, Dieter Keßler, Louisa Martin, Yana Mittag, Dieter Nikl, Anna Pelz, Sara Vellage, Helena von Rudzinski, Gerhard Wagner

Tickets available at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (www.mousonturm.de or 069.405 895 20) or in the Tanzetage office (Feldstraße 8, 65835 Liederbach or 06196.610 50)

The performances are additionally supported by Jugendbildung Hessen of the Internationalen Bund Freier Träger der Jugend-, Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit e.V.

A dance project by Tanzlabor 21 and the Tanzetage