Aran Kleebaur


Wo wirst du jetzt gewesen

Location: Frankfurt LAB (Gallus) Halle 2

It is one week after the so-called “Krawallnacht” (riot night) of 18th July, 2020. It is the day on which the mayor of Frankfurt, Peter Feldmann, will have his PR appearance at the Frankfurter Opernplatz, whilst in the immediate vicinity Black Lives Matter activists document racist police checks, using the images to call for resistance in real-time. As with so many political actions over the last years, the drama of these events seems to unfold as much on screens and feeds as it does on the street: between sweating asphalt, fire emojis, speaker feedback and used-up data volume, blurred pixels and the horror that they are meant to express. Taking the weekend after 18th July and the spaces in which the events took place as a backdrop, the solo performance by Aran Kleebaur raises the question of how the communication networks of digital interfaces and the forms of physical public gatherings on streets, places and in front of the respective screens affect and put each other int motion.

Duration: 40 Min.