Climbing the career ladder, staking your claim, sizing things up, boasting, screening, going to therapy, elucidating the assessment, and after all that, what is there has still to pass the Internet human-test. There’ a soul there as well, there just has to be. How to handle the guilt of wealth and well-being. And for whom does this apparent wonderworld actually operate? In-between, before and during, representatives and illegals, old and quite normally smart loners are faced with the big all too close world full of crises. Who belongs to the WE-Oktoberfest-society? A quick check for confidentialities. There simply must be more. Talking to lose/save your life. Waiting.

Director: Cilli Drexel

Please be aware that the event takes place in the Frankfurt LAB, Schmidtstraße 12. Thank you.

Frankfurter Positionen 2013