(c) Marie Köhler, (c) Florian Krauß

Verena Billinger & Sebastian Schulz


Zeit / Temps

Mousonturm Saal


„When not ask me I know but once you ask me and I try to explain it, I do not know.” (Augustinus)

„Zeit / Temps“ (“Time”) is an opulent costume celebration, a ball meandering through the centuries between crinolines, high heels, allonge wigs and hair gel. Choreographers Verena Billinger, Sebastian Schulz and their nine performers take the audience on a journey through sweeping-trickling, gushing-streaming time. In constant motion, the dancers stroll through the vast space, shifting positions and poses alternately as living sculptures and dancers. In constantly new clothes, their bodies drift through the many styles of the modern European era. They dance, linger, hesitate. They glance at each other, encounter and pass by. They welcome the chance, listen to the moment, hear the silence of faded voices. And time? It lingers, expands, contracts, and cannot be grasped.

Dauer: ca. 210 Min.
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Getanzte Zeitreise in Düsseldorf | WDR 3 Mosaik (11.04.2019)