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Politik im Freien Theater - Festivals - Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm

11. Festival Politik im Freien Theater 2022

11. Festival Politik im Freien Theater 2022


The complete programme can be found on the festival website, where you can also get tickets as well as further information.


or have a look at---> the program booklet

With the festival "Politik im Freien Theater" (Politics in Independent Theatre), the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb will be a guest in Frankfurt am Main from 29 September to 8 October 2022 and thus in Hesse for the first time. Within the framework of the festival, the bpb is cooperating with the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, the Schauspiel Frankfurt and the Festival-AG, a network from the regional independent scene in which ID_Frankfurt e.V., laPROF Hessen e.V. (Landesverband Professionelle Freie Darstellende Künste Hessen) and the production house Naxos are represented. The 11th "Politik im Freien Theater" festival is supported and accompanied by the Cultural Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main.

Under the motto "Macht", the 11th "Politik im Freien Theater" festival presents around 16 innovative, interdisciplinary and cross-genre theatre productions as well as well over 100 diverse art, culture and discourse programmes. With the implied double meaning of the motto, "Politik im Freien Theater" 2022 places actors and activities at the centre of the festival who are critically, demandingly and militantly committed to overcoming acute crises in society as a whole and global challenges.

The plays in the guest performance programme are selected by an expert jury consisting of the festival directors of the four organisers and five external jury members. The guest performance programme of the Frankfurt festival edition presents theatre works from German-speaking countries, flanked by a small window of international works. A special focus will also be on productions by artists whose work is centred in the Frankfurt region. Invited are innovative, interdisciplinary and cross-genre theatre productions of the professional independent scene that deal with political, social, economic and cultural power issues in a regional, national and/or global context.

Sponsors and Supporters

Marcus Droß, Dramaturg, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt
Katja Herlemann, Dramaturgin, Schauspiel Frankfurt
Milena Mushak, Referentin Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin
Anne Paffenholz, Referentin, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin
Jan Philipp Stange, Regisseur, Festival-AG Frankfurt

external Jury:
Saba-Nur Cheema, Politikwissenschaftlerin, Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, Frankfurt am Main
Janis El-Bira, Theaterjournalist, Autor und Moderator, Berlin
Thilo Grawe, Theaterpädagoge, Junges Ensemble Stuttgart
Annett Gröschner, Dramen-/Romanautorin und Journalistin, Berlin
Tunay Önder, Autorin, Publizistin, dramaturgische Beraterin und Kuratorin, München

The Festival Politik im Freien Theater (Politics in Free Theatre) is held every three years in a different German city on the initiative of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb). For the 2022 festival in Frankfurt, the bpb is cooperating with the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, the Schauspiel Frankfurt and the Festival-AG, a network of the local independent scene in Frankfurt, which includes ID_Frankfurt e.V., the Landesverband Professionelle Freie Darstellende Künste Hessen e.V. (laPROF) and the Theater Naxos. The 11th festival is supported and accompanied by the Cultural Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main. With its comprehensive offerings, the festival programme is aimed at the urban society of all age groups as well as professional audiences.


Joana Tischkau & Aljoscha Tischkau
24. – 30. September 2022