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Theater der Welt - Festivals - Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm

Theater der Welt 2023 Frankfurt - Offenbach

Theater der Welt 2023 Frankfurt - Offenbach

Initiated by the International Theatre Institute, the "Theatre of the World" festival has been bringing ground-breaking achievements and aesthetic developments in theatre from all over the world to life every three years in different regions of Germany since the end of the 1970s. The 16th edition of the festival will take place in Frankfurt and Offenbach – initiated, organised and implemented by the three Frankfurt cultural institutions Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Museum Angewandte Kunst and Schauspiel Frankfurt, as well as the Amt für Kulturmanagement der Stadt Offenbach (Offenbach Council Office for Cultural Management) as an associated partner. For the first time in the history of the festival, the programme director for this edition was also selected with the aim to allow for the greatest possible change of perspective.

This summer, we invite you to encounter different worlds and imagine completely alternative ones in Offenbach and Frankfurt with "Theatre of the World(s)". In recent years – and especially during the COVID 19 pandemic – we have witnessed the fragility of human societies and once again experienced the future as a great uncertainty. Yet some states of uncertainty, suspension and limbo can also be consciously embraced and understood as generative moments. This attitude towards experiences of incubation, waiting and open potential is what Chiaki Soma – programme director of the festival – calls incubationism. It forms the conceptual framework for the festival programme. Theatre of the World 2023 uses the imaginative and social powers of art to open up spaces for reflection, recreation and inspiration. In dialogue with different artistic perspectives, we engage in this incubationism and allow shared visions of a pluralistic post-pandemic society to emerge during the 18 festival days and beyond.

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Sponsors and Supporters

"Theater der Welt Frankfurt-Offenbach 2023", a festival of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), is organised by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, Schauspiel Frankfurt and Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, in cooperation with the Office for Cultural and Sports Management of the City of Offenbach am Main. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts, the City of Frankfurt am Main – Cultural Department and the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.