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Frankfurter Buchmesse: Slovenia - Festivals - Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm

Frankfurter Buchmesse: Slovenia – Guest Country of Honour 2023

Frankfurter Buchmesse: Slovenia – Guest Country of Honour 2023

18. bis 21. Oktober 2023

For the Frankfurt Book Fair, this year’s Guest Country of Honour Slovenia is presenting its richly facetted literary and cultural landscape under the motto “Honeycombs of Words”. The small number of Slovenian speakers and their consequent multilingualism, as well as the country’s geographical location at the crossroads of numerous cultures, allows Slovenia to reflect much of Europe's diversity.

The extensive programme at Mousonturm includes e.g. readings of punk poetry, a long night of short stories, but also performances, concerts and philosophical discussions. An impressive cross-section of all genres of the Slovenian cultural scene.


Sponsors and Supporters

Project Slovenia - Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, a model for sustainable international promotion of Slovenian literary creativity, is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.


Evald Flisar & Theater im Keller
19. October 2023