As the most legendary barbarian of film history, Conan combines megalomania and impotence, coercion and escapism, failure and hope like no other fantasy hero. He is a sensual lone fighter, a self-conscious dimwit, a structurally dependent hedonist. His radical inner turmoil turns him into the ruthless and emphatic leader of a vendetta, both victim and perpetrator of a relentless quest for meaning. Too much of everything and still never enough – Conan shares this fate with SKART, the most dauntless two-person collective that the young German performance scene has to offer. For SKART, Conan is an allegorical icon of Western man. Their revue follows the stations of his barbarian quest for meaning across the social, economic and psychological present landscape and thereby traces Conan’s campaign in operatic opulence: home-made objects, instruments and machines, handmade videos and electronic music and a hefty serving of agitation with crude, poetic, substantial as well as unfounded constructs and treatises are combined into a multi-material-media showdown performance.
By and with SKART (Stine Hertel, Stephan Janitzky, Philipp Karau, Anton Kaun, Stephanie Kayß, Kris Merken, Mark Schröppel, Sebastian Schulz) * A production by SKART, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Ringlokschuppen (Mülheim a.d.R.) and Landestheater Marburg * Funded by: NRW Regional Office for Independent Culture, Cultural Department Gießen, Hessian Ministry for Science and Art and the Rudolf Augstein Foundation.
World Premiere