ZuKT_next wave
step out the comfort zone!

Tanzabteilung der HfMDK

ZuKT_next wave
step out the comfort zone!

Tanzabteilung der HfMDK

ZuKT moves us, producing dance and experiments that vibrate with the joy of movement. ZuKT doesn’t adhere to a single style, stands for a comprehensive understanding of dance, covers a wide spectrum of tradition and innovation and is always good for surprises. The new programme step out of the comfort zone! has two parts and features a wide range of signature choreographic styles, permanently challenging the movement and performance skills of its young dancers. In Part I, five choreographers - Marguerite Donlon, Dieter Heitkamp, Claudia Jeschke, Marc Spradling and Regina van Berkel – agree to an exciting and risky adventure: a game of Russian Roulette. New pieces by Iván Pérez and Lucyna Zwolinska are featured in Part II - Frankfurt calling, as well as SOMETHING WE DID ON FRIDAY, which William Forsythe and Christine Bürkle created together with students based on William Forsythe’s As A Garden In This Setting.

Featuring students of the ZuKT_BA Dance Program at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. Supported by the Hessian Theatre Academy.