EVACUATION of Künstlerhaus Mousonturm

Akira Takayama

EVACUATION of Künstlerhaus Mousonturm

Akira Takayama

To kick-off this first rescue and escape plan for the Rhine-Main region, we invite you to Evacuate Künstlerhaus Mousonturm with us on 12.9 at 7 pm. To commemorate the occasion, Akira Takayama, mastermind and artistic director of the project, theatre scholar and pontiff of postdramatic theory Hans-Thies Lehmann, as well as many other participating artists will herald in the begin of the project by speaking a few last words and leading us all in final preparatory exercises within the familiar Mousonturm walls. Then everyone will set out together to select evacuation stations in the city and the region.

more information on EVACUATION

For individual set out: www.evakuieren.de


Opening event