Nasty Martians attack to torment, torture, destroy humanity in this brutal Sci-Fi classic from the 1950’s. This repeatedly censored and banned material full of (un)canny projections now forms the foundation for a surreal performance about desire, dark longings and the end of humankind. What is unusual about this constellation is that the world’s most famous disabled theatre group Theater HORA has teamed up with the world’s ugliest puppets – the puppet ensemble Das Helmi. Together they form an ingenious group of unpredictable autodidacts. Who is manipulating whom here? Who is superior to whom? And who are ultimately the alien freaks?
In German * Mousonturm-Coproduction * Text, Music, Puppets, Choreo-Direction: all * Performance: Remo Beuggert, Gianni Blumer, Matthias Brücker, Cora Frost, Solène Garnier, Nikolai Gralak, Matthias Grandjean, Julia Häusermann, Florian Loycke, Tiziana Pagliaro, Dasnyia Sommer.
German Premiere, Mousonturm-Coproduction