Plage Romantique, which premiered in 2014 in Montpellier, is a choreographic musical. In it, Gat combines the intricate rhythm of his choreography with a soundtrack produced live by the dancers. They sing, play guitar and make sounds with their bodies. It is both an intelligent as well as playful-humorous continuation of Emanuel Gat's choreographic exploration of the musicality of dance.
no language skills required.
Choreography, Light, Soundtrack: Emanuel Gat (in collaboration with François Przybylski und Frédéric Duru) * With: Hervé Chaussard, Aurore Di Bianco, Pansun Kim, Michael Lohr, Geneviève Osborne, François Przybylski, Rindra Rasoaveloson, Milena Twiehaus, Sara Wilhelmsson * Production: Emanuel Gat Dance * Co-production: Festival Montpellier Danse 2014 * Supported by: Fondation BNP Paribas, tanzhaus nrw, Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône and Région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur * With the kind support of the Institute francais and the french ministry of culture and communication /DGCA.