Heiner Müller died 20 years ago. As a commuter between East and West, the most important contemporary German-language playwright after Bertolt Brecht opened our eyes to the continuities that perpetuated themselves beyond the experience of Nazism into the social developments of a divided Germany. The staged reading Heiner Müller – On the Reality of Texts now brings together - under director Heiner Goebbels - young artistic positions in dialogue with the past and present of Müller’s oeuvre.
Installations open at 6 pm, the performance and film program begins at 7 pm.
In German
Featuring works by students of the Applied Theatre Studies Program at the Justus-Liebig University Gießen: Onur Agbaba, René Alejandro, Hendrik Borowski, Martin Bien, Jan Gehmlich, Sarah Henker, Oskar Kostecka, Hannah Maneck, Huari Mateus, Annette Müller, Martha Oelschläger, Ricarda Sowa, Niels Wehr, Lena Wontorra, Ines Wuttke, Oda Zuschneid.