After projects dealing with care work and migration, Swoosh Lieu end their trilogy “What is the Plural of Crisis – A Crisis Report with Assigned Roles” by looking at issues of space: How do women* live in the city? In what ways do they move through the city? What kind of spaces do they design and what roles does the city give them? What demands do they make? Swoosh Lieu invite you to join them on a stroll along feminist trails, alongside reality and forking off into imagination, through hard-won and utopian places and in search of spaces of movement and assembly. They bring the theatre into the city, reconquering spaces with theatrical means and techniques, questioning the positions of participants and spectators, inquiring into the power of narratives, which form the space – as they attempt to imagine a feminist city of the future.
In German / By: Swoosh Lieu – Johanna Castell (Concept/Light), Katharina Pelosi
A production of Swoosh Lieu in coproduction with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Funded by Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Fonds Darstellende Künste and Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.
(Concept/Sound), Rosa Wernecke (Concept/Video) / Text: Katharina Speckmann / Outside eye: Stawrula Panagiotaki / professional advice: Eva Kuschinski / Technical ccordination: Milena Wichert / Production management: Greta Granderath / Assistance: Verena Katz* The star indicates that terms such as “woman” conceal different people, who potentially cannot or do not wish to identify themselves with such socially construed categories.
– Meeting point Mousonturm
– Start punctually at 19 o'clock
– Please bring weatherproof clothing