After a fantastic concert in January 2024, Raketen Erna returns to Frankfurt in January 2025 to make music for strawberry princesses and superheroes. Once again, the children's rock band from Berlin-Kreuzberg will bring colour and all style of music into children's rooms and parents' car radios. Sometimes beatleesque in “Briefträgerin Mandy” and “Trend-Man”, sometimes with ska influences, as in “Straßenschilder” and the “Ballade vom Wolf” or even in form of rough desert rock (“Ich flieg' durch die Straßen”) - this time around, it will even get jazzy and pop with the dog song “Bello, der beste Freund der Welt”. Thanks to their usual skilful polyphonic singing, Raketen Erna perform a genre balancing act that delights children and adults alike.
For everyone aged 4 and over
Sponsors and Supporters
The concert by Raketen Erna is part of the ‘Mouson Mini Music’ series, a project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.