Every Monday for everyone. The Junge Theaterwerkstatt invites you to come visit, use our workshops, be creative or hang out and get to know other young people. No obligations. Open House.
In the open house we want to make the theater your home together with you. Every Monday from 4-8 pm. Just come in. We will build table tennis tables, explore the theater, produce music and an in-house radio and be artistically active in many other ways - try it out! But you can also relax here, read or just hang out with your friends.
Everything you need for a good Monday afternoon is possible here. And the best thing is: you decide what's on the program! Make the theater your own place by building your own furniture, creating a garden on the terrace or painting huge banners and throwing them out of the window. Our in-house radio gives you the opportunity to broadcast what's on your mind live to the world. Which artists would you like to interview? What topics do you cover in your own radio news? Your music is played on the open house radio and you have the opportunity to become a radio presenter.
The open house takes place every Monday from 4-8 pm. You can come and go whenever you like. You don't have to bring anything and you don't have to do anything in particular. It's a safe place with no room for hostility or exclusion. Laura and Anton are there every time and look forward to seeing you.
Mehr Infos zu einzelnen Angeboten:
Werkstatt-Radio | 13+
mondays, 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr
more Information
Kreativ-Werkstatt | 13+
ab 21.10. mondays, 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr
more Information
from September 02, 2024
every Monday 16:00 - 20:00
in the Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo
No registration necessary
If you have any questions, please contact theaterwerkstatt@mousonturm.de
Sponsors and Supporters
Das Projekt wird gefördert von Wege ins Theater, dem Projekt der ASSITEJ im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.