DIY Ping Pong – Build your own table tennis top and paddles

DIY Ping Pong – Build your own table tennis top and paddles

Dear friends of the round robin and DIY. Dear people who get restless in foyers. Dear butterflies, early leavers and crafters. This is the workshop you've been waiting for. Artist and amateur player Markus Zimmermann will help you design your own table tennis top for the foyer of the Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo – and you will build your own paddles from the material of your choice. And then, of course, you can play!


Workshop leader: Markus Zimmermann
Entry possible at any time. Group registrations also possible.


Sponsors and Supporters

Das Projekt wird gefördert von Wege ins Theater, dem Projekt der ASSITEJ im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.