In 2016, Hadija Haruna-Oelker becomes the mother of a disabled child. Over and over again, she encounters barriers and divisive systems that have been existed for decades: Bureaucracy, pseudo-inclusive schools or unquestioned discrimination and denigration in everyday life. Why is there no possibilities of full participation and inclusion for people with disabilities? And how do we resist the rise of social Darwinist ideas in our society? From a Black, intersectional perspective, journalist and political scientist Haruna-Oelker traces untold stories, repressed crimes of the past and powerful voices of the present. She regards her adolescent son with the conviction that childhoods hold the power to overcome divisions and express the unspoken. In her personal and political story, she shows how inclusion can be achieved in practice. She argues in favour of extensive socio-political reflection, a change of perspective and an understanding of human rights. And not least for a society of reciprocity in which everyone can live self-determined lives.
Moderator Mareice Kaiser will accompany Hadija Haruna Oelker through the evening, while her readings from the book will be performed live in German sign language by Paulina Güllü. Other guests on stage include journalist Judyta Smykowski and author and activist Natalie Dedreux. The evening will also feature vocal accompaniment by Latoya Reitzner.Her music will be performed live in German sign language by Dodzi Dougban.
The event can also be accessibly attended via live stream with options of German Sign Language and Easy Language translation.
Accessibility of Event
Accessibility of Location
- There is a team of one deaf and two hearing DGS interpreters
- A translation into plain language by Anne Leichtfuß can be heard via headphones
- The reading is a relaxed performance and there is a steplessly accessible retreat in Studio 2
- The event will take place hybrid and can be attended online with DGS interpretation or translation into easy language
If you have any questions about the barrier-free offers and the accessibility of the location, please contact Lea Gockel via or 01590 184 70 05
Sponsors and Supporters
Text, idea: Hadija Haruna-Oelker
Moderation: Mareice Kaiser
Live performance in German sign language text: Paulina Güllü
Live performance in German sign language music: Dodzi Dougban
Further guests: Judyta Smykowski, Natalie Dedreux
Singing: Latoya Reitzner
In cooperation with Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm and btb Verlag.
Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Art and Culture.
Also supported by the US Consulate Frankfurt.
Biografie Hadija Haruna-Oelker
Die Politikwissenschaftlerin Hadija Haruna-Oelker lebt und arbeitet als Autorin, Redakteurin und Moderatorin in Frankfurt am Main. Hauptsächlich ist sie für den Hessischen Rundfunk tätig. Sie moderiert die Römerberggespräche in Frankfurt, das Debattenformat “StreitBar” in der Bildungsstätte Anne Frank und die feministische Presserunde der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. In der Frankfurter Rundschau schreibt sie eine monatliche Kolumne. Außerdem ist sie zusammen mit Max Czollek Host des Erinnerungspodcasts »Trauer & Turnschuh«. 2022 erschien ihr erstes Buch »Die Schönheit der Differenz – Miteinander anders denken«, das für den Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse nominiert war. Sie ist Preisträgerin verschiedener Medienpreise wie dem ARD-Hörfunkpreis Kurt Magnus 2015 oder dem Medienspiegel-Sonderpreis für transparenten Journalismus 2021. Darüber hinaus ist sie Teil des Journalist*innenverbandes Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen (NDM) und der Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD).