150 years of dance history in 35 minutes: a swan-like apparition in a conspicuous black and white patterened one piece points a finger towards its feet. Barefoot and placed one behind the other, these have two white sneakers in front of them. What is dance? What can dance be? Which bodies dance? In the solo performance ‘Schwanensee in Sneakers’ (Swan Lake in Sneakers) choreographer Anna Till and artist Nora Otte offer an introduction to the richly nuanced forms of dance and express the power of transformation that is contained within every body. A playful treatment of the milestones of dance history – from the classic ‘Swan Lake’ to German expressive dance and on to the great names of contemporary dance.
The piece operates in a crossover of styles, shifting from the everyday to the grotesque, from the classical to the experimental. And asks along the way: is waiting for the bus actually a dance too? ‘Schwanensee in Sneakers’ playfully explains the history of European dance and its influences. The production regards itself as a creative transfer of knowledge for young people that does not aim to be complete, but instead offers different perspectives on dance and movement.
- Duration: 40 min.
- Language: German
- for everybody age 12 and more
Sponsors and Supporters
Idea & concept: Nora Otte and Anna Till
situation productions dance & choreography : Anna Till
Director: Nora Otte
Music & Composition: Johannes Till
Space & Costume: Konstanze Grotkopp
Touring Support: Josefine Luka Simonsen, Steffen Huhn
"Schwanensee in Sneakers" is a production by explore dance - Netzwerk für junges Publikum, a cooperation between fabrik moves Potsdam, Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V. München and K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg, HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts. It is funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, as well as the City of Potsdam and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg. From July 2022, the second phase of the project will also be funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts and the state capital Dresden. "Swan Lake in Sneakers" was created in cooperation with situation productions and HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts.
Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielförderung Tanz, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie den Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.

Nora Otte absolvierte ihr Diplom der Szenischen Künste an der Universität Hildesheim. Nach einem dreijährigen Engagement als Regieassistentin am Staatsschauspiel Dresden (Inszenierungen: Medea.Stimmen, Christa Wolf & ichglaubeaneineneinzigengott.hass, Stefano Massini) arbeitet sie seit 2016 freischaffend als Szenische Künstlerin.
Anna Till lebt und arbeitet als freischaffende Choreographin in Dresden. Sie studierte Tanz, Kontext, Choreographie am HZT Berlin und Angewandte Kulturwissenschaften in Lüneburg. Unter dem Label situation productions entwickelt sie Tanzproduktionen mit Fokus auf internationalen Austausch und künstlerische Kollaboration. Darunter “life in numbers” (2019) mit Kátia Manjate und “Experiencing Time” (2021) mit Barbara Lubich.