A body as memory made flesh: in this personal dance solo, Santiago Mariño shows what it means to live in a country where he was not born. As a Colombian dancer with Indigenous and European ancestors, who moves between South America and Europe, he engages with the colonial legacy that has shaped him and continues to have an effect on his body. For his final project in the Master's Programme in Choreography and Performance at the University of Giessen, he interweaves South American cosmologies, lost knowledge and Western ideas of dance as an art form in a space flooded with fog. In doing so, Mariño manoeuvres between states of disappearance and permanence and surrenders to the (personal) loss that is inherent in every memory. “The flickering flame of memory” is a dialogue with personal ancestors and the scars of colonisation that pain us even today.
- Duration: 50 Minutes
- Language: Spoken Langauge English, Spanish
Note: Strobe light is used
Accessibility of Location
Sponsors and Supporters
Concept, direction, performance: Santiago Mariño
Music, mixing and sound design: Tomás Ripoll
Light design: Dana Maxim
Costume design: Johanne Schröder
Dramaturgical Support: Morteza Zarei and Nargess Behrouzian
Vocal coaching: Marcelo Lucero
Graphic design: Christian Robles
Photo: Nargess Behrouzian
Special thanks to:
Antje Cordes, Giulia Casartelli, kemelo nozipho sehlapelo
Funder and (co)producers: Hessische Theaterakademie, Kulturamt Gießen, Kulturamt Frankfurt, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm

Santiago Mariño is a Colombian dance artist based in Germany. He holds a BA in Perfoming Arts from Universidad Distrital. As a dancer he has worked for over 10 years between South America and Europe, performing works of multiple choreographers and touring extensively in both continents. As a choreographer he intersects dance, embodied memory and decolonial thinking. Santiago is also a teacher who seeks to transgress colonial structures of dance transmission and cultivate collective processes of joy and inner work. He worked in dance management for four years and currently pursues an MA in Choreography and Performance at the Hessische Theaterakademie.
Hinweis zu sensorischen Reizen
- Strobe light
- Darkness
- heavy fog