
Laika & Merel Denie

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Laika & Merel Denie

What is air, and who does it actually belong to? A charming duo tries to get hold of the air in a playful dance: The two embrace the air, capture it and trick it. Until they themselves become the plaything of the invisible element and it blows them away into another world. “Air” turns our most important nothing into a philosophically entertaining dance production for everyone aged four and over.

  • Duration: 50 Min.
  • Age: for evereyone aged 4 or more
  • Language: no language

In cooperation with Starke Stücke Festival.

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept und Regie: Merel Denie
Spiel: Gytha Parmentier, Arend Pinoy
Musik: Kaspar Schellingerhout
Szenografie: Peter De Bie, Manuela Lauwers
Dramaturgie: Mieke Versyp
Licht: Rik Van Gysegem
Ton: Tom Van den Brande
Produktion: Robin Angst, Pieter Smet
Coaching: Michai Geyzen, Jo Roets