Ticket to Neutralia

Olivia Furber & Nour Sokhon

Ticket to Neutralia

Olivia Furber & Nour Sokhon

A tour guide leads a group on an audio tour to a fictional state. The participants immerse themselves in a world of sound in which everything seems wonderful – until you scratch the surface. “Neutralia” has withdrawn from the global system and sealed off its borders to protect the population from the impending climate and energy crisis. A parable about isolation, the dream of security and prosperity and the reality of marginalising “others”.

  • Duration: approx. 45 min.
  • Age: for everyone aged 14 and over
  • Language: German
  • For groups: With follow-up discussion on request
  • World premiere

In co-operation with the festival Starke Stücke.

Sponsors and Supporters

Ticket to Neutralia is a co-production by Künstler* innenhaus Mousonturm as part of Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo