The global expansion of capitalism has brought people together, but also burdened them with immense ecological and social costs. In a collage of texts, readings, video statements and music, different voices from various continents address what needs to change in order to guarantee equal rights for all.
Music: Florian Weber “transforming now” with Rabih Lahoud, Florian Weber and the Ensemble Modern
Speeches: Lian Gogali (Indonesia), Peninah Khisa and Yvonne Odhiambo Owuo (Kenya), Kathrin Hartmann and many more.
Introduction and moderation: Ilija Trojanow
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Language: German and English
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Sponsors and Supporters
In co-operation with Transnationale Demokratie e.V., Ensemble Modern, medico international, Offenes Haus der Kulturen, Frankfurter Buchmesse and Frankfurter Rundschau, supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt