Cancelled! Conference of trees

Pantha du Prince

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Cancelled! Conference of trees

Pantha du Prince

In his recent project »The Conference Of Trees« Berlin based artist Hendrik Weber aka Pantha du Prince will make the communication of trees resonate by the help of sound experiments. After Weber and The Bell Laboratory from Oslo, Norway were playing successful shows at venues and festivals all around the globe in support of their critically acclaimed recording called »Elements Of Light« (Rough Trade, 2010) this seminal collaboration is about to be continued. In coproduction with Hamburg based renowned off theatre Kampnagel the piece is going to be premiered this August at Internationales Sommerfestival 2018. An immersive stage setting will display the performer's interdisciplinary approach between New Music, visual poetics, speculative science and it knows how to attract a wide-ranged audience from kids being interested in nature, aficionados of high art and experimental sounds as well as lovers of well-produced club/dance music. It's all about the musical dialogue of the trees. An audiovisual composition for modified acoustic bodies of sound, instruments and electronics. Inspired by texts by Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (Mathematician, space theorist, »Mechanics Of The Ear«), Farid ud Din Attar (Sufi mythologist, »The Conference Of Birds«), Sage Patanjali (»Yoga Sutras«) und Frantisek Baluska (Cell biologist, »The Communication Of Trees«).


Das Konzert von Pantha du Prince muss leider aus logistischen Gründen ausfallen. Tickets können über die jeweilig genutzte Vorverkaufsstelle rückerstattet werden.