This roundtable explores what it means to be a body in revolt, dancing. From the neo-shamanistic traditions in contemporary choreography to radical self-healing, and from choreographic politics of care to urgent and unrelenting dance parties, bodies in motion signal restlessness and a vibrant potential for transformation. Panelists will ask: what is a body in protest? How have artists and thinkers imagined alternative collectivities and the vital possibilities of self-organisation for reappropriating the gestures and practices of love and insurgency? In doing so, the panel aims to relate the protesting body in art to the body functioning in the social community and asks how alternative forms of embodiment allow us to reimagine the ‘body politic’.
Round table of the Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research program Frankfurt
Sponsors and Supporters
Contributors: Kélina Gotman (Theater- und Tanzwissenschaftlerin, Großbritannien), Hamish McPherson (Choreograf und Tanzwissenschaftler, Großbritannien), Bogomir Doringer (Filmemacher und Kurator, Niederlande/Österreich), Jatun Risba (Performance Artist, Slovenien/Großbritannien), Audrey Gary (Regisseurin und Choreografin, Frankreich)