Lou Reed in Offenbach


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Lou Reed in Offenbach


13.3. from 8 p.m. on Livestream

A 17-year-old is dragged to his first rock concert in the Stadthalle Offenbach by his teenage crush. Clueless. Who the heck is Lou Reed? The question still remains. Because what follows is a concert that never took place, a star whose “appearance” robbed small town Germans of THE concert of their life. Together with Stereo Total’s pop eclectics Françoise Cactus and Brezel Göring, music all-rounder Oliver Augst takes Lou Reed’s scandalous performance as the basis to dish up a musical feature-fiction performance: 12 songs, new compositions, interpretations and a cover that describes the star from the perspective of his companions and other contemporary witnesses. This contribution to Augst’s on-going “Archive of Germany”, is a complex portrait of the rock star Reed along with the entire New York art and music scene and its parallel worlds in the German countryside in the seventies.


Duration: 75 min.
Language: German and English

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Konzept, Musik und Performance: Oliver Augst, Françoise Cactus und Brezel Göring
Texte: Brezel Göring
Songtexte: Françoise Cactus, Brezel Göring
Filmprojektionen: Brezel Göring
Stimmen, eingesprochen: Elaine G. Gehrmann, Roger Grunwald, Stella Schnabel und Mitchell Watkins
Dramaturgie: Charlotte Arens
Persönliche Assistenz: Martina Stütz

Produktion: textXTND mit Mousonturm Frankfurt. Gefördert durch Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, das Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt, hr2 und wdr2 Hörspiel. Es entsteht eine LP beim Label unbreakmyheart.