Bodies play an important role in current humanitarian, ecological and social crises: their materiality, their media and digital extensions, their somatic and affective qualities, their symbolic and fictional potential. They are the site of idealistic and ideological negotiations, of the Self and the Other, and subsequently of an associated unequal distribution of rights and privileges. Based on the assumption that imagination, representation and experience are equally at the core of art and politics, Sandra Noeth kicks off our discourse format around “corponomy” by inquiring into the roles of artistic practice and aesthetic experience – and their responsibilities. Sandra Noeth, philosopher and dramaturge, is Professor at the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HTZ). Her work mainly deals with ethical and political perspectives on body practices and theory, with a special focus on bodies affected by structural violence.
Language: German
Sponsors and Supporters
Im Rahmen von „corponomy“ gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.