“My Documents” is a program, created and curated by Lola Arias, in which artists from different backgrounds present lecture performances, based on personal research, a radical experience or a story that secretly obsesses them.
Unfortunately the originally planned lecture performance by Tania Bruguera cannot take place, so now it's your turn! We will showcase you and your personal archives for seven minutes in a mini format of “My Documents”. Thank you for your applications, which reached us after our Open Call. This is our selection.
Program Sat. 20.6.
Daniel Wetzel (Athens): "I didn’t get any title till now"
Sofia Medici (Buenos Aires): "The end of the artists"
Mohamed Adel Dessouki (Alexandria): "Archival Fabulations"
Jasmine Bakalarz (Buenos Aires): "Diaspora Ruptures"
Cristiane Zuan Esteves (São Paulo): "The Baker Project - or when I discovered my cannibal self"
Dylan Arredondo (Washington, DC): "On Policing Fantasy”
Program Fr. 19.6.
Yoni Oppenheim (New York) “My Archive of Mourning and Memory”
Amy Chan (Hong Kong): "Remembrance of Amnesia"
Benjamin Schupp (Eindhoven): "The violence of the signal”
Esther Castro (Tijuana): "What kind of baggage does my name have?"
Los Bárbaros / Javier Hernando & Miguel Rojo (Madrid): "Following the steps of Augusto Madeira Mendes"
Bettina Katja Lange, Uwe Brunne, Joan Soler-Adillon (Barcelona, Vienna, Berlin): "The smallest of worlds - a social landscape of collected privacy"
Participation in the event takes place via the software Zoom by which the audience can see the performance live, make comments and exchange visions and insights afterwards. At the same time, the show can also be followed in the livestream.
Language: English
Duration: 40 min. (performance) + After Talk
After live streaming, all videos of “My Documents” will be available here until the end of June.
To participate, book a free ticket using the ticket link above (available from June 12th). You will find the link to the zoom event on the ticket that will be sent to you by ADticket after the order process. If you have any problems, please contact paul.prager@mousonturm.de.
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and its co-production partners accept no liability for the use of the software Zoom. You can find important information on data protection at the event here.
Sponsors and Supporters
Concept and curatorship: Lola Arias
Dramaturgy: Bibiana Mendes
Lecture-Performances: Tania Bruguera
Video Streaming: Jascha Bernhard, Roman Steinmetz, Sriram Srivigneswaramoorthy
Eine Produktion des Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main mit Lola Arias, koproduziert von Kampnagel Hamburg, Kaserne Basel und den Münchner Kammerspielen. Gefördert im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und im Rahmen der intergenerationalen Vermittlungsinitiative ALL IN – FÜR PUBLIKUM JEDEN ALTERS durch das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.