Veröffentlichung: KollektivKörperDenkNetzWerkKollektiv

Luise Meier

Veröffentlichung: KollektivKörperDenkNetzWerkKollektiv

Luise Meier

Since August, a group of avid thinkers has joined forces with author and dance dramaturge Luise Meier to research and write about the state of the body as is and about thinking in and as a collective body. The resulting material will be presented to the public at the Tanzfestival Rhein-Main in form of a collective publication, which the audience can clink themselves into to join the body of thinkers.

Language, texts and thoughts that deal with the body and movement usually take the individual as their starting point. In view of this individualistically constrained perspective, collectivity seems to allow for more agile, effective, solidarity-based and independent action. Thinking from the perspective of the collective body, the question is whether there is a form of collectivity that links individual experiences, meets needs and expands the scope of agency.

All information on the event:


Language: German
Admission free, Access only with ticket