Teaser for Phantom Future

Cena 11 & Alejandro Ahmed

Teaser for Phantom Future

Cena 11 & Alejandro Ahmed

03.02. —> Teaser for Phantom Future – Live Act 02
04.02. —> Teaser for Phantom Future – Fotossíntese + 9 p.m. artist talk on Zoom

For 27 years, Alejandro Ahmed and his dance company CENA 11 have been producing pieces that are as intense as they are defiant in their Florianópolis studio in southern Brazil. In March 2020, Cena 11 began working on a new piece entitled Dark Matter, commissioned by Frankfurter Positionen and other co-producers. The COVID-19 pandemic put a temporary end to the collaborative process at the dance studio. Ever since, the members of the company have been using digital platforms to stay in touch artistically. In this proces, the virtual space has become an extension of the body, merging spatial and temporal dimensions as well as presence and absence. Two extraordinary video pieces show a condensed version of Cena 11’s physical and choreographic process over the last few months. They will be presented for the first time at Digital Mousonturm.


Duration Live Act 02: 51 min.
Duration Fotossíntese: 33 min.
Language: English and Portuguese

Following the Youtube premiere available until 28. 02. in the medialibrary.

Thu. 04. 02. 9 p.m. Artist talk with Alejandro Ahmed (in English) on Zoom. —> https://zoom.us/j/94287613554?pwd=SG84REdqcDN1VS9PblN5VFV5SXBGUT09

Sponsors and Supporters

Creation, Choreography and Performance: Adélia Aurora, Alejandro Ahmed, Aline Blasius, Bianca Vieira, Hedra Rockenbach, João Peralta, Karin Serafin, Kitty Katt, Luana Leite, Malu Rabelo, Marcos Klann, Natascha Zacheo.
Operation and Creation in Video and Sound: Alejandro Ahmed, Hedra Rockenbach, João Peralta, PACT-UFSC ( João Peralta, Thiago R Passos, Rodrigo Garcez ).
Video and sound editing: Alejandro Ahmed.Technical Direction: Hedra Rockenbach.
Production Direction: Karin Serafin.
Production Assistant: Malu Rabelo.
Movement direction Assistant: Aline Blasius.
Social Media and Project team: Aline Blasius, Kitty Katt, Luana Leite e Natascha Zacheo.
Translation: Kitty Katt.
Creation and programming of objects for “Dark Matter”: Diego de los Campos.
Text: Grupo Cena 11
National Diffusion: Gabi Gonçalves, Corpo Rastreado - São Paulo.
Headquarters and Technical preparation: Jurerê Sports Center (JUSC).
Special Thanks to: Andrea Druck, Bruno Bez, Cecília Blasius, Eduardo Serafin, Norma Adó, Héctor Lamela, Nina, Florentina, Ludovico, Luiz Falcão, Íris, Gatite, Ines Saber, Binha, Gorpo, Rhaisa Muniz, Rodrigo Garcez, Breu K. Katt, Bartolomeu, Ana Lucia Rodrigues, Aya Nishimuta. Batman, Candy, Muha, Maki, Aurora Khan, Khaninanas Cobras, Caio Matienzo, Marcos Morgado, Theo Gomes.
Conception, Direction and Choreography: Alejandro Ahmed.

Created as part of a virtual residency at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, made possible by the Martin Roth Initiative.