Theatre of War

Lola Arias

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Theatre of War

Lola Arias

The video is  available from Mar 2, 8 p.m. until Mar 2 on Vimeo on Demand. After the payment you can watch it within the next 24 hours. Price: 5 €. Available only in Germany.

35 years after the Falkland War, Argentinian and British veterans face each other in various staged scenes – in a film studio, in a swimming pool or at a table with tin soldiers. Together they remember, re-enact and re-experience what happend in the past. However, they don’t stick with the past but rather try to understand their present mental and physical state. Finally, each of them meets a young man who takes on the role of the past self and thus creates relevance for a younger generation. Using techniques of theatre, performance and fine arts, director Lola Arias’ film brings the trauma of a whole generation to the surface without playing on the audience’s heart strings.



Duration: 82 minutes
Language: English and Spanish with German subtitles

Tues. 02.03. 7 p.m. Artist talk with Lola Arias on Zoom —>

The film is made available via Vimeo on Demand. To watch the film, you have to register with Vimeo (simple, free and only once) (Privacy Notice).

There is no advance booking, the video is paid for directly before watching the film.


Sponsors and Supporters

Regie, Buch: Lola Arias
Mit: Lou Armour, David Jackson, Rubén Otero, Sukrim Rai, 
Gabriel Sagastume, Marcelo Vallejo
Künstlerische Beratung: Alan Pauls
Kamera: Manuel Abramovich
Montage: Anita Remon, Alejo Hoijman
Sound Design: Sofia Straface
Ton: Julia Huberman
Produzentinnen und Produzenten: Gema Juarez-Allen, Gema Films, Alejandra Grinschpun, Gema Films, Bettina Walter, BWP, Ingmar Trost, Sutor Kolonko, Pedro Saleh, Sake Argentina