Audiowalk on the essay 'Laubwerk' by Marion Poschmann, winner of the WORTMELDUNGEN-Literaturpreis 2021.
Based on the essay ‘Laubwerk’ by Marion Poschmann, for which the author was awarded "WORTMELDUNGEN – Der Literaturpreis für kritische Kurztexte der Crespo Foundation" in 2021, choreographer Moritz Frischkorn and sound artist Kat Austen have developed an audio-walk in-between and in dialogue with city trees. The audience is invited to playfully move from one tree to the next, following the voices, sounds and choreographic proposals by the artists. ‘The Gravity of Trees’ awakens childhood memories, pays close attention to individual trees and creates a space in which listeners may be affected by the presence and rhythm of the trees in their vicinity. While walking, they also hear excerpts from Poschmann’s essay, a poetic reflection on our coexistence with trees. Thus, a new sense of the interconnectedness and co-dependence of human and arboreal city dwellers emerges
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Duration: approx. 40 Min
Language: German
Starting point at Mousonturm
You can download the audio file for the walk below (via SoundCloud)
Your contact details will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection.
No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering!
Proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered) is recomended.
More information on hygiene and safety
The Audiowalk works location-independently and can also be carried out outside of Frankfurt. The artists recommend listening to the Audiowalk with headphones.
The guided walk will be accompanied by Moritz Frischkorn and Kat Austen. Meeting point in at Mousonturm.
Produced by the Crespo Foundation in cooperation with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and NODE.
Sponsors and Supporters
Text, Choreografie: Moritz Frischkorn
Audio: Kat Austen
Sprecher:innen: Moritz Frischkorn, Marion Poschmann
Dramaturgische Beratung: Jeanne Charlotte Vogt
Wortregie: Heinrich Horwitz
Tontechnik, Aufnahmeleitung: Studio Lärm / Joel Vogel
Produziert von der Crespo Foundation in Kooperation mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und NODE e.V.