Six years ago, Lambert appeared for the first time, or better said: he made himself heard, for the person behind the Sardinian bull mask still remains unidentified. Lambert's piano playing is internationally acclaimed, renowned artists such as José González, Deichkind and Moderat have requested reworks of their tracks and received unique reinterpretations. His name often falls in neoclassical contexts, probably because his first live performances were with Nils Frahm and Ólafur Arnalds. Yet Lambert's harmonies speak a more complex diversity of languages. He is not interested in being associated with a specific category such as pop or high culture – his work incorporates everything from the Beatles to Chopin to rhythmic structures and rousing phrases that reference modern electronic dance music.
Update: Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.
– Accessible only via the entrance at Palmengartenstraße.
– The event will take place no matter what kind of weather.
– No self-seating, no picnics on the lawn!
– Catering will be provided, but you are also allowed to bring your own food and drinks.
– Only entire benches can be booked when purchasing tickets (1 bench = max. 2 people). All benches are placed individually at an appropriately safe distance from each other.
– Tickets can only be purchased in advance. There will be no evening box office on location.
– Wheelchair users are requested to please register before purchasing tickets by writing to:, as not all seats are wheelchair accessible.
– The ticket is valid after the event as a 2for1 voucher for a visit to the Palmengarten (until 31 December 2021).
Hygiene and Safety:
– Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.
– Registration for mandatory tracking in case of Covid-19 infections will be done on location.
– Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory all over the concert area, except in the seating areas.
– All hygiene and safety regulations in force and prescribed at the time of the event apply. For more information, please visit: