Can this really be a coincidence? A crisis that arises for no reason, a situation that is too complex to comprehend, an unusual accumulation of incidents that seem so strange that we begin to doubt our reality. How do we bear uncertainty in a world that has become extremely complex and in which we depend on the opinions of experts every day? And whom do we believe when critical voices begin to cast doubt on the findings of research and present us with a different narrative of reality – a different order of things? In an interactive installation, Gernot Grünewald and Thomas Taube use a network of information and materials, theories and contradictions to question everyone’s mechanisms of reception. “UN/TRUE” examines the criteria we use to distinguish facts from mere allegations and how easy it is to psychologically control the construction of our reality.
Language: German
During the performance, the audience is invited to move freely through the space, guided by a tablet and headphones.
Sponsors and Supporters
Inszenierung: Gernot Grünewald
Bühne: Michael Köpke
Kostüme: Barbara Kiss, Natalie Nazemi
Video: Thomas Taube
Musik: Daniel Sapir
Dramaturgie: Christina Schlögl
Mit: Therese Dörr, Katharina Hauter, Elias Krischke, Marietta Meguid, Jannik Mühlenweg, Peer Oscar Musinowski Sebastian Röhrle
Eine Produktion des Schauspiel Stuttgart.