Philipp Hochmair is Jedermann. In a passionate tour de force, he slips into all the roles and turns Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s play into a many-voiced monologue. A dialogue with two microphones. One for Jedermann and one for the others. His Everyman is a rock star. Driven by guitar riffs and experimental sounds of the band Die Elektrohand Gottes, Philipp Hochmair transforms the 100-year-old mystery play into an apocalyptic spoken concert. "The Story of the Rich Man’s Life and Death" becomes a haunting overall experience and makes Everyman recognizable as a contemporary who burns up in his insatiable greed for money and intoxication. The theme is timeless and eternally valid: “What is left of my life when it comes to dying?”
Language: German
Duration: 90 Min.
Admission ending: 15 min. before the start of the show
The price is per seat. At the time of booking, the two double seats must be bookedseparately. It is possible to book entire lodges with two double seats or single seats on the parquet floor.
It is compulsory to wear a medical mouth and nose protection on the entire premises, except at your own seat or in separately designated areas. The contact details for theprescribed follow-up in the Covid-19 case are collected at the venue. A daily negativecorona test is recommended.
More information on hygiene, ticketing and gastronomy at Sommerbau-Service
Due to noise protection, we have to bring the event forward to 8.15 p.m.
Sponsors and Supporters
Jedermann Die Elektrohand Gottes: Philipp Hochmair
Gitarre: Tobias Herzz Hallbauer
Elektroklang: Jörg Schittkowski
Drums: Bastien Eifler
Sound und Light Design: Hanns Clasen
Die Aufführungen von "Jedermann Reloaded" sind Teil der Frankfurter Dionysien in Offenbach, ausgerichtet vom Künstlerhaus Mousonturm im Auftrag des Frankfurt LAB. Gefördert vom Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.