It is one of the most famous ideas to have originated in Frankfurt am Main, known and passionately discussed worldwide: the collection of short stories written and illustrated by the physician Heinrich Hoffmann in the mid-19th century entitled “Struwwelpeter” (or “Shock-Headed Peter” to English-language audiences), featuring the violent and humorous adventures of Fidgety Philipp, Little Paula, Johnny Look-In-the-Air, Konrad the Thumb-Sucker... Even today, and not only in teacher training courses, there are heated discussions about the author’s pedagogical methods and the intentions. Still, the entertaining stories about ignorance, disobedience, instruction and punishment are highly popular, as evidenced by numerous adaptations and parodies. Together with the Duo Infernale (Michael Quast and Sabine Fischmann) of the Volksbühne, Ensemble Modern takes a fresh look at the material and its miniatures. Ensemble Modern members Uwe Dierksen, Christian Hommel and Hermann Kretzschmar wrote their own, philosophical and bizarre pieces, to be performed by their own ensemble as well as the Duo Infernale (Michael Quast and Sabine Fischmann) of the Volksbühne.
Language: German
Duration: 85 min.
from age 12
Admission ending: 15 min. before the start of the show
The price is per seat. At the time of booking, the two double seats must be booked separately. It is possible to book entire lodges with two double seats or single seats on the parquet floor.
It is compulsory to wear a medical mouth and nose protection on the entire premises, except at your own seat or in separately designated areas. The contact details for the prescribed follow-up in the Covid-19 case are collected at the venue. A daily negative corona test is recommended.
More information on hygiene, ticketing and gastronomy at Sommerbau-Service
Sponsors and Supporters
Musik: Ensemble Modern – Uwe Dierksen, Christian Hommel, Hermann Kretzschmar: Der Struwwelpeter (2019)
Regie: Matthias Faltz
Ausstattung: Carsten Wolff
Gesang, Performance: Sabine Fischmann, Michael Quast
Eine Koproduktion der Volksbühne mit dem Ensemble Modern. Gefördert von Aventis Foundation, Dr. Marschner Stiftung und Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Freunde des Ensemble Modern e.V.
Gefördert im Programm Kultursommer 2021 durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) mit Mitteln aus NEUSTART KULTUR, von der Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege sowie vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen des Kulturpakets 2 des Landes Hessen und unterstützt durch DIEHL+RITTER / INS FREIE!